

Friday, 9 December 2011

Saffron : In Ayurveda

Saffron is as important ingredient of large number of Ayurvedic medicines. On account of its strong antipoisonous, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, stimulant, lactogogue, livotonic, nervine tonic, sedative and styptic properties it is highly valued in Ayurveda. It is considered an ideal Tridoshhara and a drug of immense efficacy in disorders of children of unknown actiology. It is used in acne, apoplexy, arthritis, asthma, colic, cough dyspepsia, hemierania, insect bites and stings, liver disorders, mental disorders, neurasthenia, oedema, painful menstruation, phthisis, prolapse of anus, sore throat and splenic disorders. It is attributed with extraordinary properties for improving weak eyesight and highly valued as a complexion builder.

As per Ayurvedic Nighantus saffron is Snigdha, Laghu in Guna, Tikta in Rasa, Katu in Vipaka, Ushna in Virya and Tridoshhara.

Some of the Ayurvedic recipes containing Saffron as an important ingredient cure asthma, cough,cold,fever, vomiting, epilepsy, splenic enlargement. used as antidote, acne, micturition, vatavyadhi, rat bite,conjunctivitis, pimples, dysuria, stranguary, pterygium, cataract,skin diseases

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Saffron Recipes



1 lb of fish(rock fish, shrimp, cod, etc.), 1lb of mussels, 2 sheets of puff pastry, 4 tomatos, 4 garlic cloves, 1 onion, 1 egg, 1 cup of white wine, 30 gr of toasted almonds, 2 slices of french bread, parsley,3-4 strands of SAFFRON, sal,white pepper, olive oil.

In a deep cacerole saute slowly the shreded onion in some olive oil; when it starts changing colour, add 2 peeled garlic cloves and a sprig of parsley both chopped, add the tomatoes, pealed and chunked; poach for five minutes in enough water to cover ingredients, incorporate the fish and add fresh water to cover it all. Crush in a morter the SAFFRON, 2 cloves of garlic, the almonds, the slices of bread prefried in olive oil and a sprig of parsley. Incorporate the crushed mix into the broth season and cover, let slow boil for 20 minutes. Steam the mussels and extract the meat from shell draining all their juice through a thin mesh strainer. Add this mussel juice into the broth a few minutes before serving and stirr.
Strain the fish and break it apart into small chunks and strain the broth through a china cap. Portion the fish, shrimp and mussels in to 4 individual cooking bowls and fill each with their respective broth. Unfold the puff pastrie and cut out 4 circles a little bit bigger than the bowl lip, wet the bowls edge and the puff pastrie circles edges with water, and put the circles of puff pastrie over the soup pressing firmly to assure good adhesion to the bowls. Paint the puff pastrie shells with the beaten egg and oven at 375 ºF untill the puff pastrie is golden brown, remove and serve.

Saturday, 3 December 2011


Saffron crocus is a flowering plant that is usually used as a spice. However, it is also used in herbal supplements. Saffron supplements are often claimed to help with the following conditions:


Friday, 2 December 2011




Kashmir has the proud privilege of being saffron blessed places. Pampore, near Srinagar, is the place in the world besides Spain and iran where saffron is grown.
The crocus sativus plant, which blooms in a month of october in the year, has six golden stamens and crimson. It is the crimson stamen which when collected and dried that forms saffron and is referred to as the most expensive spice in the world. When buying loose saffron, sampling one strand is enough, for the flavour and fragrance of saffron are unmistakable.
Kashmir saffron ("Kashmiri Kesar") is considered the best in the world for its distinctive long silky threads with a dark red color, its pleasant aroma and its powerful coloring and flavoring capabilities.No other subistence or spices can take place of saffron's flavour or aroma in this world.
Our Kashmiri Sun Brand saffron is 100% pure and free from any foreign subsitence, premium quality, sealed in the beautifully designed retail packaging. Our saffron is available fresh, having been harvested from the current crop. The orange-red stigmas of the saffron plant produce a pleasant aroma and a warm golden orange color. The yellow stamens are also harvested, however they do not have the same aromatic and color properties of the stigmas. Pure saffron consists of only the orange-red stigmas of the saffron plant. Saffron is also believed to have many medicinal properties.
Saffron Called Kesar in the rest of India, saffron is used as a flavoring agent in many food preparations, from rice dishes, such as biryani, to various sweets and tabbocoe industry.