As per Ayurvedic Nighantus saffron is Snigdha, Laghu in Guna, Tikta in Rasa, Katu in Vipaka, Ushna in Virya and Tridoshhara.
Some of the Ayurvedic recipes containing Saffron as an important ingredient cure asthma, cough,cold,fever, vomiting, epilepsy, splenic enlargement. used as antidote, acne, micturition, vatavyadhi, rat bite,conjunctivitis, pimples, dysuria, stranguary, pterygium, cataract,skin diseases
I bought some fake saffron from Noir Mohd Bhat which I realised only after getting back home. Our cab driver Burhan of Heevan travels tricked us into buying from this shop. He also made us buy a lot of overpriced sub standard sweaters and shawls in Srinagar.